Living with a Pomsky Dog in an Apartment
Have you adopted a pomsky dog, but you are wondering if they will be a good fit for your living situation and if you will have enough space for them? This post includes information about a pomsky dog’s daily needs, how to live in an apartment (or other small living space) with a pomsky, and the top dos and don’ts of living in an apartment with a pomsky dog.
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Pomsky Dog Daily Essentials
Pomskies require daily physical exercise to stay healthy and reduce the chance of them engaging in negative behaviors caused by boredom. When you take your pomsky on a walk, this helps them maintain a healthy weight, it is good for their cardiovascular health, and strengthens their muscles.
Mental Stimulation
Pomsky dogs thrive when they are challenged mentally through both indoor and outdoor activities. When your pomsky dog is outside, allow them some time to sniff around and listen to the sounds in their environment. They will smell where other animals have walked and want to track their path, or locate sounds of birds chirping in the trees. If you are staying inside, you can provide mental stimulation through puzzle toys, hide and seek games, training sessions, snuffle mats and more. Read our complete post on Best Indoor Activities for Pomsky Dogs.
Attention and Socialization
Your pomsky will require daily attention from you. If you do not interact with your pomsky, they might turn to negative behaviors such as digging or chewing on home items to gain your attention. Make sure to give your pomsky dog daily snuggles and incorporate basic commands into your daily routine. For example, you can have your pomsky dog sit before you put their harness on them. If you encounter other dogs on your walks outside, give your pomsky the opportunity to socialize and sniff the other dogs.
Food, Water and Potty Breaks
Your pomsky will require access to food and water every day. Keep your dog’s food and water bowls in the same location of your apartment or home so they always know where to find it.
Most adult pomsky dogs will need to go potty outside 3-4 times each day, depending on how much they eat and drink. You can easily give your pomsky dog potty breaks if you take them on walks three times a day (e.g. morning, noon, evening).
Living in an Apartment with a Pomsky Dog
If you plan to live in an apartment with your pomsky dog, there are some important things you will want to consider.
Physical Space
Pomskies need enough space to play fetch, a spot for their food and water bowls, crate and comfortable places for them to lay down. Since pomskies are a smaller dog breed they can easily fit in your apartment, but you will want to plan where your dog will play, and where you will keep their belongings.
Access to Outside
One of the biggest challenges of living in an apartment with a pomsky dog is the access to take your dog outside to go potty and go for walks. If you are on a very high floor of an apartment building, it might be challenging to get outside in time for your pomsky to go potty. If you have a balcony, consider getting a portable dog potty with artificial grass. Also, choose an apartment unit close to the stair case or on a lower level if possible. When you train your pomsky dog to go potty outside, be sure to return to the same area each time so your dog learns the routine and they can smell where they previously went potty.
If you are living in an apartment with a pomsky dog, think about the other people in the building. Are there people living above, below, or on either side of your apartment unit? The most ideal location to have your unit would be on the first floor, near the door or staircase so you only have one neighbor above you and on one side of your unit. This will also give you easy access to take your pomsky outside. Some pomsky dogs can be very vocal and will whine or bark when you leave them alone, or if they hear sounds. Consider how your pomsky behaves and if this will upset your neighbors in an apartment building.
Set Boundaries to Avoid Damage
If you are living in a place that you do not own, you will want to protect the space from getting damaged. Set boundaries for your pomsky dog by using play pens, fences and baby gates to block off areas that you do not want your dog to have access to. Some pomskies will chew on carpet or scratch doors, so be proactive and protect these surfaces before they become damaged. If you need to leave your pomsky alone at your apartment, it is recommended that you put them in a crate so you know they are staying out of trouble.
Dos and Don’ts of Living with a Pomsky
Pomskies are a small dog breed that can fit in a variety of living situations. It is important to consider other factors such as if your pomsky has easy access to go outside, if you have neighbors, and where you will keep your pomsky’s personal belongings. With the right planning and consistent training, your pomsky dog will thrive.
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