Best Indoor Activities for Pomsky Dogs

Are you stuck inside with your dogand wondering what to do? There are many ways you can still exercise your pomsky’s mind and body to prevent boredom and destructive behaviors. This post includes the best indoor activities for pomsky dogs that provide mental stimulation, physical activity and prevent boredom.

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Side by Side Puzzles

Puzzle toys are a great way to entertain your pomsky. There are a variety of different puzzle toys that require your dog to slide, turn, and pull pieces of the puzzle to reveal hidden treats. Some puzzle toys require the actions to be completed in sequential order to expose the treats, which will keep your dog entertained for a longer period of time. Fill your dog’s puzzle toy with treats and slide all of the compartments shut so your dog can solve their puzzle while you put a puzzle together at the table. If you do not have a puzzle toy for your dog, you could instead have your dog use a lick mat, treat dispensing toy, or snuffle mat.


Cup Magic Trick

Use the cup magic trick to bond with your pomsky and test their sniffing skills. Start with 3 small paper cups (dixie cups work well) and place a treat under one of them. Mix up the cups a few times while your dog watches, then have your dog flip over the cup that the treat is under. You can play this game as many times as you want and see if your dog can find the cup with the treat on their first try.


Egg Hunt

This activity will give your dog extra exercise and excitement and use their natural hunting instincts. Place a small treat inside of 10-20 fillable plastic eggs, then hide them inside your home. Make sure your dog is held back by another person or in a crate while you are hiding eggs so they don’t start finding the eggs before you are ready. Hide the eggs inside your home, upstairs and downstairs, at different heights and locations so your dog needs to sniff them out. Supervise your dog while they pop open the eggs to make sure they don’t chew on the plastic egg shell.


Learn a New Trick

If you’re stuck inside, this is a great time to teach your pomsky a new trick. You can train your dog a variety of fun tricks such as lay down, spin, roll over, shake, or high five. If your dog hasn’t mastered “leave it” for items such as a sock or food that drops on the floor, you could also work on mastering this skills. When your dog learns a new skills this takes energy and brain power, so it is a great way to keep your dog busy when you can’t play outside.


Hide and Seek

Your pomsky will love playing hide and seek with you, especially if there are treats involved. Have one person hold your pomsky and the other person find a hiding spot in the home. Call your dog’s name or use a recall word such as “come” and have your dog come find you. Once your dog finds you, give them praise and treats. After your dog has found you several times, try having them wait by themselves and have two different people find hiding spots in the home and one at a time call your dog’s name or use the recall word. This is also a fun way to train your dog to come when called, when you are out of their sight.


Bake Treats Together

Make some fresh dog treats for your pomsky. There are a variety of dog treat recipes that are easy to make and contain ingredients you likely already have in your home such as carrots, cheese, yogurt or oatmeal. Try these Cheesy Carrot and Oatmeal Treats or make your dog’s day with Mini Blueberry Muffins. Your dog will love the smell of the treats baking in the oven and will appreciate the new flavors of these treats.


Pomsky in the Middle

You can always play the classic games of fetch and tug with your dog’s toys but mix things up with a game of “monkey in the middle” with your pomsky being the monkey. Find a place in your home that has minimal furniture, and the floor has good grip, such as carpet or a rubber mat. Throw a toy your dog is excited about between two people and play “keep away” with your dog. Your pomsky will watch the toy get thrown back and forth and will likely chase it or jump to get it before the next person catches it. Every 2-3 throws allow your dog to sniff the toy and tug at it a little bit before continuing to toss is back and forth between the two people. This game will challenge your dog to stay focused on the toy, predict where it will go next, and try to intercept it when it is up in the air.




There are many ways you can still have fun with your pomsky dog inside if the weather outside is not ideal. Challenge your pomsky to sniff out treats, find eggs hidden around the home, or solve puzzles. You can also take the time to teach your dog a new trick or master previously learned skills.

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