How to Care for a Pomsky Dog’s Paws
Pomsky dogs love staying active and it is important that their paws stay healthy for them to enjoy their daily activities. This post includes the importance of your dog’s paw pads, how to care for and clean your pomsky dog’s paws, and important things to consider when caring for your dog’s paws throughout each season of the year.
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Importance of Your Dog’s Paws
Your dog’s paws support their body weight and serve as a cushion to absorb shock while your dog is running, walking and jumping around. Their paw pads also help your dog sense what type of surface they are walking on and regulate their body temperature.
How to Care for Your Dog’s Paws
Inspect Your Dog’s Paws
Check your dog’s paws daily after they come inside to make sure they don’t have any thorns, sticks or other harmful items stuck on their paws or between their toes. If your dog is limping, make sure you closely inspect your dog’s paw for even the smallest irritant, such as a bee stinger.
Monitor Your Dog’s Chewing Behaviors
If your pomsky dog is chewing on their paws, closely inspect them to see if there is anything stuck on them. If nothing is visible, your dog might have an allergy, which causes their skin to become dry and itchy. If your dog is excessively chewing on their paws or you notice sores or hot spots on your dog’s paws, bring your dog to the vet. Some dogs might also chew on their paws due to stress and anxiety.
Trim Nails
You can determine how frequently you need to trim your dog’s nails based on how fast their nails grow. A general rule to follow is to trim your dog’s nails so the tip of the nail is in line with the paw pad. This could require monthly trimming or trimming once every 3-6 months. It also depends on how frequently your dog plays outside, and if their nails get worn down or filed by playing on rough surfaces such as pavement.
Prevent your pomsky dog’s paws from becoming dry and cracked by moisturizing them, especially during the summer and winter. Use a natural paw balm or wax to moisturize and protect your dog’s paw pads. You can apply this before going for a walk to add extra protection while walking on icy, snow or rough pavement.
Walking on Different Terrains
When you go on a walk or hike with your pomsky dog, look ahead at the terrain. Watch for sharp thorns or weeds such as foxtails. These can get stuck in your dog’s paws and are painful. Also be cautious about sharp rocks or sand that could get between your dog’s toes or stick on their paw pads.
Consider the Temperature of Roads
In the summer and winter months, the extreme weather temperatures can cause roads to become too hot or too cold for your dog’s paw pads. On hot days, check the pavement temperature by placing your hand palm side up on the road or sidewalk and hold it there for 7 seconds. If your hand gets too hot, then the road is too hot for your dog and you should avoid having them walk directly on the road. In the winter, monitor your dog to see if they start whining, make frequent stops and lift up their paws, or start limping. These are all signs that the road is too cold for your dog’s paw pads, and you will want to either carry them or put dog booties on to protect their paw pads.
How to Clean a Pomsky Dog’s Paws
Clean your pomsky dog’s paws by wiping them with paw wipes, using a paw cleaning tool, or giving your dog a bath. There are a variety of natural paw wipes that are specifically designed to help clean your dog’s paws. We recommend the Earthbath Hypo-Allergenic Grooming Wipes because they are fragrance free and are durable, large wipes. You can also use a Portable Paw Washer, which allows you to put your dog’s paw directly into a small cup with silicone brushes to remove dirt and debris from your dog’s paws. Another option is to use a Paw Cleaning Kit that includes a paw brush with a cleaning solution that easily cleans your dog’s paws, then can be wiped away with a towel. A final cleaning option is to give your dog a bath, or wash their paws in the sink using a dog shampoo. This method is the most time consuming, but will allow you to clean more of your dog’s legs if they become dirty while walking.
Dog Paw Care for Every Season
In the summer, monitor the pavement temperature to make sure your pomsky dog’s paws don’t get burned from hot pavement. Place your hand palm side up on the road or sidewalk and hold it there for 7 seconds. If your hand gets too hot, then the road is too hot for your dog and you should attempt to walk in the grass, carry your dog, or have your pomsky dog wear booties.
In the fall months, watch where your dog is watching and avoid having them walk over crushed acorns. The shells from acorns can be sharp and painful if they get stuck on your dog’s paw. Also, if your dog is walking through piles of leaves, check their paws to make sure they didn’t step on any hidden objects under the leaves.
The winter season has hazards for your dog’s paws including cold and icy pavements and road salts. Protect your dog’s paws by having them wear boots when the temperature are too cold for their paws. Also watch for road salts and avoid walking in those areas if possible. It is best to pick up your pomsky dog or have them walk in yards or grassy areas instead of the road if there are road salts, because these chemicals are harmful and can be difficult to completely clean off of your dog’s paws.
In the spring, your dog’s paws will likely get dirty with mud and puddles. Make sure you keep your dog’s paws clean by using wipes or cleaning brushes. Spring is also the season when people start planting flowers and laying grass seed. Watch for loose grass seed and avoid walking in these areas because seeds can get wedged between your dog’s toes and even attempt to plant themselves.
Ensure your pomsky dog’s paws stay healthy so they can enjoy their daily activities of playing, jumping and running. Care for your pomsky’s paws with by checking them regularly, keeping their nails and the fur around their paws trimmed, and using paw moisturizer. Each season poses different risks for your pomsky dog’s paws, so ensure you look ahead where your dog is walking and monitor your dog for any signs that they have paw discomfort.
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