Allergies in Pomsky Dogs: Symptoms and Treatment

Do you notice your pomsky dog chewing on their paws, biting their legs, itching their ears, or rolling around on the ground? These may be symptoms that your dog has environmental allergies. This post includes signs and symptoms of environmental allergies in pomsky dogs and allergy treatment options.

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What causes environmental allergies?

The most common allergens that may affect your pomsky include pollen, weeds, mold particles, grasses, dander and dust. Many of these allergens naturally occur outside in the summer and fall and you may not know when your dog encounters them. Your pomsky might walk on different weeds or grasses that cause their immune system to have an inflammatory response. Other allergens, such as mold spores are typically found in humid environments outside or inside such as near the shower or windows. Pomskies may develop allergies to dust and dander that is floating around the home as well.


Signs of Allergies

  • Excessive itching or scratching

  • Sneezing

  • Chewing or licking paws and legs

  • Rolling on the ground to scratch their back

  • Swelling on the face

  • Watery eyes


Allergy Relief

Wipe paws and belly

After you take your pomsky outside, wipe their paws legs and belly using hypoallergenic wipes to remove any pollen, mold, or other dust particles that could cause skin irritation.

Anti-itch sprays

If your pomsky is chewing on specific areas such as their paws, try spraying an anti-itch spray on the problem areas to provide some relief.


Give your pomsky baths more frequently (1-2 times a week) if they are showing signs of seasonal allergies. This will help remove allergen particles from their skin and fur. You will want to use a soothing dog shampoo that contains ingredients such as oatmeal, vitamim E, aloe and tea tree to relieve your pomsky’s itchy skin.


There are a variety of fatty acid supplements that support skin health and can be given as a daily treat for your pomsky. You can also transition your dog to a food that is specifically designed to support skin health and decrease skim inflammation from seasonal allergies. Dog foods that contain cold-water fish such as Salmon, have fatty acids that help strengthen a pomsky’s skin barrier.


If your dog is unable to find relief, you can consult your veterinarian to receive either a topical medication that you would rub on your dog’s skin, or an oral medication (typically an antihistamine) to help relieve your pomsky’s symptoms. Always consult your veterinarian to ensure you know the correct medication and dosage to give your pomsky.


Allergy Prevention

There are a variety of ways you can protect your pomsky from environmental allergies before they start showing signs or symptoms.

Change furnace filters regularly

Keep the air in your home clean by changing furnace filters regularly. This will ensure that the air blowing out of your vents is clean, and that you are not just pushing dust and mold particles around.

Clean the Air

Go beyond just using a furnace filter and purchase an air purifier to further clean the air in your home. Many pomsky owners keep air purifiers in their home to remove extra fur and dander from the air. Air purifiers collect particles from the air to keep you and your pomsky from breathing in mold spores, dust, dander and more. They have removable air filters that should be replaced a few times a year, and you may want to compare the dirty filter to the clean filter to see how effective the air purifier is.

Reduce Humidity

Mold spores can grow in humid environments, so keep your home below 50% humidity. This might require you to close the windows or use a dehumidifier to keep the air dry.

Soothing Baths

If you notice there is more pollen in the air, or it is the time of year your pomsky always develops allergies, start giving baths 1-2 times a week with soothing oatmeal shampoo.



Pomskies can develop seasonal allergies to a variety of particles in the air. These might cause your pomsky dog to scratch more frequently, have watery eyes, sneeze or chew on their paws and legs. Use the recommended treatment and prevention options included in this post to help your pomsky find relief from seasonal allergies.

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