Pomsky Temperament

When you plan to adopt a pomsky dog you will want to know what to expect. Each pomsky will have their own unique personality that they have acquired from their parents. This post describes the most common personality traits of pomsky dogs that make up their overall temperament.

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Pomskies have a lot of energy and are very playful. They love getting chased around the house, fetching frisbees, and playing with puzzle toys. Pomskies might also turn daily activities into games, such as stealing your sock and running away with it. Make sure you teach your pomsky to play with their own toys and not home items. Your playful pomsky will benefit from consistent training to learn what the expectations are.


Pomskies are very intelligent dogs. They quickly learn patterns and daily routines. For example, if you have the same morning routine, your pomsky will know something is different if you do not complete the same sequence of actions. They might also learn that if they always get a treat for going potty outside, then they should try to go outside more frequently to get more treats. Pomskies are smart and will learn new tricks quickly. They respond well to positive reinforcement and enjoy pleasing their owners.


If you are looking for a loyal dog, then a pomsky is right for you. Pomskies will look forward to seeing family members and might have separation anxiety when their owners leave. A pomsky dog likes to be near their family members and will follow them around the house or sleep close to them.


Be sure to closely supervise your pomsky because they are very curious dogs. Pomskies get bored easily and will look for something to entertain themselves if needed. A pomsky might try digging at the carpet or chewing on furniture to see what they can find. Make sure your pomsky is always within sight and rotate toys so your dog always has something to play with. Pomskies are quick and might try to eat something off the ground or chase after animals outside.


Pomskies get their confidence from the Husky breed. Huskies are known for being pack leaders and are very brave. Pomskies can be adventurous and brave, especially when they are around familiar people. 


Pomskies may be stubborn, especially if they are distracted by their environment. A pomsky might pull you in the other direction while walking or refuse to listen to the command to sit. This is often related to the pomsky’s curiosity and confidence, which make them want to explore rather than listen to their owner’s commands.


Pomskies are very protective of their owners, which may cause them to bark when they feel threatened. A pomsky might feel the need to protect their owners if someone approaches the owner or their home. It is important to teach your pomsky to calm down when meeting a new person, so they do not become too excited or aggressive. 


Pomskies love attention from others and are very affectionate. They love to lick your face and curl up next to you on the couch or in bed. Unlike some dogs who prefer to be alone, pomskies love to spend time with their owners and be near them. 


Pomskies are a smart, curious and playful dog breed. Pomskies love spending time with their owners and like to please them, but they can also be stubborn at times. Each pomsky will have their own unique personality that you will learn and love.

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Pomsky Health Problems


Puzzle Toys for Pomsky Dog