Separation Anxiety and Pomskies

This post covers how to identify if your pomsky has separation anxiety and ways to reduce your puppy’s anxiety when you are away from home.

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What does separation anxiety look like?

You can tell if your puppy has separation anxiety if they become worried when you are out of sight. A dog with separation anxiety will usually cry or whine when you are getting ready to leave. They might follow you around the house as you prepare to leave. Some dogs with separation anxiety will become destructive when you aren’t home.


How can you help your puppy feel more comfortable when you leave?

Reduce Triggers

Does your dog get worried as you put on your coat, grab your keys or put your shoes on? Your dog is smart, and they understand that these events happen just before you leave the house. You can reduce your dog’s reaction to these “triggers” by completing these activities more frequently and at random times. For example, put on your coat, then sit down on the couch. Or grab your keys at random times throughout the day when you don’t plan on leaving. These actions will teach your dog that they are not things he or she should be anxious about.

Think of the things that you do before you leave that your dog has noticed. If you pack a bag, grab your purse, or put on a coat, just make sure to start doing these at random times to desensitize your dog.

Establish a Routine

If you leave for work or run errands at the same time each day, your dog will learn this pattern. Establishing a routine may ease your dog’s anxiety. They will understand that you leave at the same time each day and always come back. Use the next tip “provide distractions” as part of your routine.

Provide Distractions

Give your dog something to look forward to when you are away. Toys filled with treats such as a puzzle toy or a stuffed Kong are great options. This will keep your pomsky busy while you are away and they will be excited to receive this special treat. If you only give these treats when you are away, your dog will be excited for you to leave, rather than being nervous and anxious.


Use Background Noise

Your dog might feel more comfortable if they hear music or voices in the home while you are away. Try turning on your tv or a radio to provide background noise. You could even record your own voice and play this on a speaker while you are away.


Leave Quickly

Give your dog the distraction and then leave the house. If you spend extra time inside getting ready to leave, it could make your dog more anxious, and they may forget about the treats or other distractions you provided.



Separation anxiety can make it difficult for you to leave your dog. It is also more common in pomskies, and can cause them to have unnecessary stress when you leave. Use the tips listed above to help reduce separation anxiety.

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