Loose Leash Walking: Tips for Training Your Pomsky

This post covers how to train your pomsky to stop pulling and practice loose leash walking. 

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Why is loose leash walking important?

If your dog learns to walk with a loose leash, it will make the walk a more pleasant experience for both of you. Your pomsky will feel safe and confident while walking around the neighborhood and you will feel like your dog listens to you. 

Supplies you will need:

Practice indoors

Start loose leash walking indoors. We recommend that you walk your dog on a leash and drop small training treats every few steps you take. This will require your pomsky to stop and pick up treats. Your dog will look at you to see when you will be dropping the next treat. You can use a clicker to mark your dog’s good behavior just before your give a treat. Providing treats is a great way to start having your pomsky “check in” while walking to see where you are, how fast you are walking, and if you will be dropping a treat soon. 

Focus on your dog

When you are training your dog to walk on a leash, focus on your dog. You shouldn’t be having a conversation or looking at your phone. If you take the time to teach this skill correctly, your dog will learn quickly, and they will be excited to receive positive reinforcement for behaving well.

Change your pace and make stops

Change your speed and direction while training loose leash walking. This will require your dog to pay attention to you and stay within the distance of the leash. Provide treats as your pomsky is walking beside you to keep their attention and motivation. Your dog will watch you closely to see when the next treat will appear. 

Practice stopping before crossing a road, to check the mail, or to tie your shoes. When you stop, your pomsky doesn’t need to fully sit, but they should stop walking and look up at you. This indicates that your dog is paying attention to you and they know that you make the decisions of your walking direction and speed.

Don’t pull on the leash

If your dog starts walking the wrong direction or becomes distracted, don’t pull on the leash. Instead, use treats to regain your dog’s attention. They can’t pull and neither can you. If you start pulling, they might learn that it is okay to pull back and it will make it hard to teach your dog to walk with a loose leash.


Loose leash walking takes patience and consistent training. Set your pomsky up for success by practicing indoors first. Provide treats while your dog is walking next to you and give them praise for looking up at you. You and your dog will enjoy walks more when you understand each other. 

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