Sweet Potato Bite Size Cookies for Dogs


·       2 sweet potatoes

·       3 cups whole wheat flour

·       2 eggs

·       1 gala apple


1.     Preheat oven to 400°F. Bake sweet potato on a foil-lined baking sheet for 60-70 minutes.

2.     Let potatoes cool slightly, then remove the skin and mash the potatoes. They should produce 2-3 cups of mashed sweet potatoes. Let cool.

3.     Remove the core of the apple, then finely shred the apple into a mixing bowl. We recommend using a cheese grater.

4.     Add the sweet potato, whole wheat flour and 2 eggs to the mixing bowl.

5.     Mix until all ingredients are combined.

6.     Preheat oven to 375°F. Line baking sheets with parchment paper.

7.     Use a cookie scoop or spoons to drop 1 inch dough balls onto the cookie sheet. Roll the dough into balls in your hands if needed.

8.     Bake for 35 minutes then remove and let cool on the cookie sheet for 2-3 minutes.

9.     Transfer to a cooling rack and let cool completely before serving them to your dog.

10.  Enjoy these simple and healthy treats! These can be stored in a sealed container for up to 2 weeks, or longer if you freeze them.


Cheesy Carrot and Oatmeal Treats for Dogs


Sweet Potato Peanut Butter Donuts for Dogs