Traveling with a Pomsky

Your pomsky is an important part of your life. You may want to bring them on vacation with you, but it is important to consider where you will be going, what you will be doing, and how your pomsky can be included in this trip. This post covers the best options for traveling with your pomsky dog.

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Travel Location

Whether or not you bring your pomsky will depend on where you are going and how far away this is from your home. If you are traveling internationally, it is best for your pomsky to stay at a boarding facility or with a family member while you are away. If you are heading to Hawaii, your dog will need to quarantine upon entering the state, so you would likely want to leave them with loved ones or at a boarding facility. If you plan on traveling somewhere nearby or within the same country, you may want to bring your pomsky with you.

What will you be doing?

When planning your trip, think about what you want to see and do, and if these are dog friendly activities. If you plan to go to indoor destinations such as aquariums, museums, or shopping centers, then your pomsky won’t be included in these activities. However, if you truly want to include your pomsky in experiences such as going to the beach, going hiking, and going to dog friendly restaurants, then you can bring them with. Think about how much your dog will be included in activities and if it is absolutely necessary for them to come with. Sometimes it is best to leave your pomsky at a boarding facility or with family. This can prevent your pup from being stressed out during travel and allows you the freedom to go where you want, when you want.

Where will you be staying?

Make sure your lodging accommodations allow pets and be sure to check the fees and requirements. Some hotels have a no pet policy, while others have pet fees and pet size restrictions. Think about what you will be doing each day during your trip and determine if you will have time to take your dog outside for exercise and to go potty. You will also want to consider your dog’s behavior and if they will do well staying in a hotel or other lodging facility. If your pomsky likes to howl or whine, make sure you stay in a separate building from others, such as rental cabins, Airbnb, or Vrbo. You may not be concerned about your pomsky being too loud, but you should also decide if they are a good fit for staying in a hotel room based on their chewing, digging and potty habits.


Traveling by Airplane

If you are flying to your destination, there are some regulations for bringing dogs on planes that you should be aware of. First, consider whether your pomsky will do well on an airplane. You want to make sure your dog is healthy and will not be too stressed out about flying on an airplane. Flying includes several strangers, air pressure changes, loud noises, bright lights, and limited opportunities to use the bathroom, which can all be uncomfortable for your dog. Most dogs are required to stay in the cargo compartment of airplanes, which can be dangerous. Some airlines allow you to bring your pup in the cabin with you as a “carry on”. This option is limited to certain airlines and only smaller dogs that fit under the seat in front of the owner. If you are thinking of bringing your pomsky with you on the airplane, consult with your vet about whether you should give your pup a calming medication. Airlines require you to provide proof of vaccination before your flight, so you can also get a copy of these records while you are visiting the vet. Make sure you submit your dog’s proof of vaccination to the airline at least 10 days before your trip. As always, check with your vet for their recommendations and contact your specific airline to learn about their specific regulations and policies.

Traveling by Car

If you really want to bring your pomsky with you on vacation, a road trip is better than flying. It might take you longer to get to your destination, but car rides are less stressful for your dog and can easily be adjusted to make more frequent stops. Travel with your pomsky in a crate to keep them safe and secure. We recommend a Folding Metal Dog Crate as these allow fresh air flow and your dog can see you and their surroundings throughout the car ride. Plastic crates work well too, but they may cause your dog to have motion sickness or anxiety from being enclosed in a small space while moving. Even though it is cute, we do not recommend you let your dog stick their head out of the window, as this can cause neck and eye injuries.

When traveling with your pomsky in a car remember these key things:

  • Make frequent stops: Stop every 1.5-2 hours to allow your pomsky a potty break and adequate time to stretch their legs.

  • Provide toys and treats to keep them entertained.

  • Use a cushion in the crate to keep your pup comfortable.

  • Make sure the car is a good temperature and there is enough air flow for your pomsky.

*For more car ride recommendations, you can check out our Car Rides With Your Dog – Pomsky Training Post.

What To Bring

When traveling with your pomsky, you will want to make sure you have everything you need to keep them comfortable and healthy so they can enjoy the vacation too. Of course, bring food, water, treats and toys to keep your pomsky healthy and happy. Also bring any walking gear such as a collar, harness and leash. Think about what you plan on doing during your time on vacation and bring items accordingly. For example, if you think your pomsky will get dirty from hiking trails, you will want to bring dog shampoo and a towel to dry your dog off. If you plan on going on a boat ride or swimming, bring your pomsky’s life jacket or floating dog toys.

*For a complete checklist of items you should pack anytime you go places with your pomsky, checkout our Pomsky Packing List.



Bringing your pomsky on a vacation with you can be exciting for you and your pomsky. Make sure you plan ahead and have everything you need to make the trip successful and stress-free.


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