Tips to Keep Your Dog Calm During Fireworks

Does your pomsky dog become nervous when they hear fireworks or thunder? Many dogs are scared of fireworks, which makes summer holidays especially difficult for dogs. This blog post will help you understand why dogs are scared of fireworks, how to know if your dog is afraid, and ways to help your dog stay calm during fireworks.

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Why are dogs scared of fireworks?

Dogs are afraid of fireworks due to their unpredictable, high frequency sound. Dogs have better hearing than humans, which can make the sudden sound of fireworks unpleasant for them. Dogs might be able to hear multiple firework displays at one time, and this can cause them to become nervous about what the sound is, where it is coming from, and when the next explosion will occur.


How do I know if my dog is afraid of fireworks?

A dog that is afraid of fireworks will appear anxious or uneasy. They might attempt to hide or run away from their owner, appear restless, whine, bark, or shake and tremble. These anxious behaviors will usually occur at night when people are launching fireworks. You will know your dog can hear fireworks if they perk their ears or have a sudden change in behavior such as being more clingy or more nervous than they typically are.


Research the Time and Location of Fireworks

Research when local firework displays will take place and where they will be. This will help you prepare and have everything in place in the event that your dog becomes nervous.


Prepare Your Dog

Play videos of fireworks for your dog to get used to the sound. Pair the videos of fireworks with treats so your pomsky dog forms a positive relationship between the sound of fireworks and receiving treats.  Start by playing the videos quietly, and gradually increase the sound to increase your pomsky’s comfort level with firework sounds.


Create a Safe Space

Find a spot in your home that your pomsky will be comfortable and won’t be able to hear the loud fireworks as well. For example, you could stay with your dog in the basement, where they are less likely to hear the boom of fireworks or see the flashing lights. Use calming music or white noise to make the sounds of fireworks less alarming. Provide your dog comforting treats and toys that will entertain them such as puzzle toys, lick mats, or treat dispensing toys. If your dog likes hiding in tight spaces, make sure you have furniture they can crawl under or a crate they can curl up in to feel safe and secure. Bring blankets and comforting toys so your pomsky dog is cozy and calm.


Exercise During the Day

Give your pomsky dog mental and physical stimulation throughout the day so they are tired at night. It is especially important to take your dog on a long walk in the afternoon or early evening, so they are tired when the fireworks begin. Throughout the day, play fetch and fill puzzle toys with food and treats to release your dog’s energy.


Stay Calm

Stay calm and relaxed and stick to some of your normal routines as much as possible when you hear fireworks. If you are calm and act like it is a typical night, your dog will sense this and feel more comfortable. However, if you act differently and keep reassuring your dog that everything is okay, they will sense your stress and may become more nervous.



If you anticipate that your dog will be scared during fireworks, you can talk to your veterinarian about calming medications. There are natural calming dog treats or prescription medications that can prevent your dog from panicking during fireworks. You will want to ask your vet for recommendations if your dog is easily stressed by new experiences, or if they have showed signs of anxiety when they have heard thunderstorms, gun shots or fireworks in past years.



Many dogs become stressed and anxious when they hear fireworks due to how unpredictable they are and their high frequency sound. It is important to know if your pomsky dog is showing signs that they are afraid of fireworks, and what you can do to keep your dog calm during fireworks.

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