Summer Essentials for Pomsky Dogs

In the summer months you will likely spend more time outside with your pomsky. Whether you plan to spend your days hiking with your dog, laying on the beach, going on a boat ride or just playing in the back yard, you will want to be prepared for the sunshine and hot weather. Learn the best ways to keep your pomsky dog hydrated, protect their skin, keep your dog cool and keep them entertained with fun summer outdoor activities.

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Keep Your Dog Hydrated

Bring a portable water bottle with you to help your dog stay hydrated on hot summer days. There are many portable water bottle options, but we highly recommend a Stainless Steel water bottle such as the KONG H2O Stainless Steel Water Bottle or the PupFlask Large Dog Water Bottle. These options keep the water colder than plastic alternatives, they are easy to clean and don’t hold bacteria or odors. Make sure you offer your pomsky dog water frequently while you are outside on a hot day to prevent your dog from becoming dehydrated. Watch for signs that your dog is getting overheated or dehydrated including if they start walking slowly, panting or have a dry tongue or dry gums.


Protect Your Dog’s Skin

Just like humans, dogs can get sunburnt too! There are a few different ways to protect your pomsky dog’s skin including:

The heat from the sun can also make roads and sidewalks too hot for your pomsky dog’s paws. Always check the pavement temperature by placing the back of your hand on the road or sidewalk for at least 7 seconds. If your hand becomes too hot, then the pavement is likely too hot for your dog and you will want to think of alternative options. You can have your dog walk in the grass while you walk on the road, find a cooler time of day to walk (such as the morning or evening) or have your pomsky dog wear dog booties.


Keep Your Pomsky Dog Cool

Pomskies have a double fur coat, which makes them more susceptible to overheating in the summer months. Help your pomsky dog stay cool by:

Learn more in our blog post Tips for Keeping your Pomsky Cool this Summer.


Fun Summer Activities for Pomskies

One of the most important things you can do with your pomsky this summer is have fun! Take your pomsky with you to outdoor shopping malls and farmer’s markets, bring them to car shows, or go on a road trip.

Some fun summer ideas you can do in your own backyard include:

  • Playing fetch with a frisbee

  • Popping dog friendly bubbles

  • Having a picnic – make a fun treat for your dog to enjoy while you eat your meal

  • Playing in a dog pool or sprinkler

  • Building an agility course – your pomsky will love to jump over, duck under and go around a variety of obstacles

  • Having your pomsky dog dig to find hidden toys in a sandbox (Warning: this will be messy, but you can always have your pomsky dog jump in the pool after)

Find even more ideas in our post about Summer Activities for Pomsky Dogs.



Summer offers so many opportunities to get outside and enjoy the fresh air and sunshine. Make sure you protect your pomsky’s skin, keep them cool, and help your dog stay hydrated while still providing endless opportunities to play and have fun.

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