Preparing Your Pomsky for Halloween

This post includes tips to help you and your pomsky prepare for Halloween. This is such a fun time of year; however, dogs can sometimes be unsure about costumes or visitors at your home.

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Provide Physical Activity Throughout the Day

Prepare your pomsky for a busy night by exercising their mind and body. Go on a few walks, play fetch and tug of war throughout the day on Halloween. Provide puzzle toys and treat releasing toys to exercise your pomsky’s mind. These will help your pomsky release energy throughout the day so they are more calm/tired when visitors arrive on Halloween night.


Practice Ringing the Doorbell/Knocking

Some dogs may feel protective when people are approaching their home. Pomskies might bark or run towards the door when they hear the doorbell or knocking. Practice having friends, family, and neighbors ring your doorbell. Give your pomsky a treat each time the doorbell rings so they associate this sound with a positive thing. With enough practice, your pomsky will not be as protective or nervous about the doorbell ringing.

Prepare Your Home

Use gates, crates and fences to keep your puppy safe and secure. If your dog likes to run towards the door to greet people, make sure the door has a fence around it to reduce the risk of your pomsky running out the door. When you have guests over or people trick or treating, it can be helpful to put your pomsky in a crate. Your pomsky will feel safe and the crate will eliminate the risk of them running out the door.

Gradually Introduce Your Costume

If you plan on wearing a costume on Halloween, start introducing this to your pomsky. Let them sniff the outfit. Wear parts of the costume while talking to your puppy and giving them treats. If you are wearing a mask, lift it off your face and put it back on your face several times while providing your pomsky treats. The gradual introduction of the costume will make it more familiar for your pomsky and less intimidating when you wear it on Halloween.


Keep the Candy Out of Reach

Place your candy out of your dog’s reach. Put it up on a counter or table and push it toward the middle of the surface. Your pomsky will likely be able to smell the delicious treats and will want to have one. Avoid dropping candy on the floor and make sure to throw all wrappers away.

 Be Careful Walking the Next Day

When walking your pomsky the day after Halloween, look ahead in the road and on the sidewalk to check for candy. People may have dropped candy or left wrappers in the road, which you will not want your puppy picking up.



 Exercise your pomsky during the day on Halloween. In the week leading up to Halloween, practice ringing the doorbell and wearing a costume while giving your pomsky positive reinforcement and treats. Set boundaries in the home using gates and fences to ensure your pomsky is safe and secure.

Enjoy Halloween and give your pomsky only dog friendly treats!

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