How to Rotate Your Pomsky Dog’s Toys

Pomsky dogs love to have a variety of toys including chew toys, puzzle toys, treat stuffed toys and so much more. Make sure your dog stays entertained by rotating their toys. This post includes how to rotate your pomsky dog’s toys to make them last longer and reduce your dog’s boredom.

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Why Should You Rotate Dog Toys?

Rotating dog toys is a great way to make sure your dog gets the most out of their toys. Here are the top reasons we recommend rotating dog toys:

  • Save Money: Rotating dog toys will keep your dog interested in their toys for an extended period of time, because the toys are always changing. You won’t need to buy new toys as frequently, which will result in you saving money.

  • Less Mess: Do you find yourself stepping around toys that are sprawled across the floor? If you only keep select toys out at a time, your floor will have as many dog toys.

  • More Exciting for Your Dog: Each time you rotate the toys, your dog will likely be very excited and may act as if the toy you took out is brand new. This excitement will fade by the end of the week, just in time for you to put the toy away and bring out the next toy rotation.

  • Toys Can Be Cleaned: When you rotate your dog’s toys, you can clean and refresh your dog’s current toys before putting them back into the rotation. This is especially important for toys that treats can be stuffed into such as the KONG Goodie Bone, KONG Classic Toy or Starmark UFO.


How to Rotate Dog Toys

  1. Sort your dog’s toys into categories such as fetch toys, puzzle toys, nylon bones/chewing toys, toys to stuff treat into, and any other categories you think would be fitting for your dog.

  2. Select 1 or 2 toys from each category to make a total of 5-6 toys out on the floor at a time.

  3. Put the rest of the toys out of reach and out of sight from your dog so they forget about the other toys.

  4. Every one or two weeks, pick out different toys (likely one from each category) for your dog to play with and put away the toys that were previously out.

  5. If your dog has a comfort toy, make sure you leave this toy out for them at all times.

Other Toy Considerations

  • Always make sure the toys your dog is playing with are the correct size for your dog. Toys that are too small could be a choking hazard, and your dog might not be interested in toys that are too big.

  • Once toys are too worn, throw them away. It is better to have toys in good condition even if you need to go buy some more.

  • When you get your dog a new toy, supervise them to ensure they are playing with it correctly.

  • Consider how your dog plays with toys and avoid buying toys that will be ruined quickly. Use our guide for which toys to avoid buying a pomsky dog.



Rotating dog toys is a great way to prevent your pomsky dog from being bored and it will make toys last longer. When putting toys in rotation, select a toy from each category so your dog has a variety of toys for chewing, playing fetch, or rolling around to get treats. Your dog will be excited to receive different toys each week, and you won’t need to worry about stepping around as many toys.

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