Funny Things Pomsky Dogs Do and Why They Do Them

Pomsky dogs keep their owners entertained with their high energy level and personalities. You might catch a pomsky doing something strange and wonder why they are doing it. From rolling around on the ground to tilting their head to the side, this post covers the funny and weirds things pomsky dogs do and why they do it.

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Tilting Their Head to the Side

When a pomsky dog tilts their head to the side it could be for a number of reasons. They might be trying to hear a sound better or listen for a specific word or sound pitch that they have previously associated with something. Dogs are very smart and may have learned a specific sound for each toy or treat bag. They might tilt their head when they are listening trying to process/make a connection with what the sound is associated with.



Zoomies are your dog’s way of expressing their excitement and release built up energy. Zoomies might happen during certain times of day such as right away in the morning, or after you get home from work. Zoomies also happen when your dog has built up energy from being in a crate, after a bath, or when they need to release stress after being at the vet.


Whining or Howling

A dog may whine or howl for many reasons. Pomskies get their whining and howling from both their Pomeranian and Husky ancestors. Pomeranians love to be the center of attention and they whine to get your attention, to communicate that they are hungry, excited or nervous about something (such as you leaving). Huskies were originally part of a pack of sled dogs, and they learned to communicate with their pack by producing different tones and howls. Huskies can learn to match the pitch of sounds around them, so they may seem like they are “talking back” to their owners or might start crying when they hear a baby cry. Pomskies have a combination of these traits, and some pomskies will be more vocal than others.  


Kicking the Ground after Going Potty

A pomsky dog might kick the ground after going potty and they will look like they are trying to cover up their potty. Pomsky dogs may perform this action to mark their territory with their scent. A dog’s paws have a specific scent, due to glands in their paws that release pheromones. When a dog kicks the ground, they mark their territory by leaving the scent of their pheromones and might leave a physical mark that other dogs can see. If other dogs are nearby, your pomsky might also kick the ground as a display of their superiority.


Circling Behavior

Pomskies circle around before going potty outside or before laying down. Dogs may circle multiple times before going potty outside to check the ground to make sure it’s even and that they have a solid surface to place their paws on. Dogs in the wild have historically circled around before going potty to check for unwanted critters on the ground and check their surroundings to ensure there are no predators nearby before they squat into a vulnerable position.

You might see your pomsky circling multiple times before laying down and some dogs might even dig at a blanket. Your dog is doing this to check the surface they are laying on and make sure it meets their standards before they go to sleep. By circling multiple times, your dog can smooth out a blanket, check for unwanted items (such as a remote or toy), and decide which direction they want to face.


Staring at You

Pomskies may stare at their owners for a few different reasons. Pomsky dogs are very affectionate and love attention from their owners. Your dog might stare at you when they are falling asleep to show their love or affection for you. If your pomsky dog is staring at you while they appear alert, they might be trying to tell you something, such as that they are hungry, need to go potty, or are feeling anxious about something. Your dog depends on you for safety, so if they hear an alarming sound, they will likely sit up and look in the direction of the sound or stare at you to get your attention.


Kicking their Leg while Being Scratched

Have you scratched your pomsky’s belly and suddenly they start kicking their leg? This is due to your dog’s scratch reflex, which is an involuntary response your dog has when you scratch a specific area on their belly. This “sweet spot” on your pomsky’s belly has nerves that sense when something has touched the area and causes your dog to kick their leg. These tiny nerves under the skin are there to protect your dog from pests, such as ticks and fleas, so your dog will react quickly to the sensation of these pests.


Rolling on their Back

Pomskies love to roll around on their back for a few different reasons. They might roll around to gain attention from their owner or to show that they are feeling playful. If your dog is outside, try to avoid letting them roll around in the grass. Rolling around in the grass can lead to fleas and ticks, and some dogs like to roll around in stinky things such as another dog’s waste. Your pomsky might roll around on their back over toys inside to scratch an itch in a hard-to-reach spot, or they might be wanting a belly rub from you.




Pomskies keep their owners entertained with their unique personalities and adorable looks. This post covered a variety of things pomskies do from staring at you to getting the zoomies, and the reasons why they engage in these behaviors.

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