Crate Training Your Puppy – Pomsky Training

This post covers how to crate train your pomsky using positive reinforcement methods.

Why is it important to crate train your pomsky?

It is important that you start crate training early, so your dog learns the routine. Crates can be used to secure your dog during car rides, when you go to work, when you have guests over, during the night, and many other times. It is a place that your dog can learn to feel safe and secure in.


Crate Size

Select a crate size that allows your dog to stand up turn around and lay down. When your dog is a puppy the crate may be too big for them. Some crates offer dividers that allow you to expand the crate as they grow to full size.


Crate Type

Different types of crates include metal, soft sided, and plastic crates. You will want to select the correct crate for your dog. For pomskies, we recommend metal or wire crates. These are durable, easy to clean and fold down nicely. They do not offer much privacy for your dog, but you can purchase a crate cover or cover the crate with a blanket. Soft sided crates are great for travel, are lightweight and do not take up much space. They can be easy folded down but are difficult to clean. Soft sided crates may also rip or your pomsky could chew through it. Plastic crates are another crate option. These offer more privacy than a wire crate and are easy to clean. They do not attach to play pens as easily as the metal crates. Plastic crates may also be chewed on by your dog.  




Crate Placement

Place your dog’s crate in a space where your family spends a lot of time. This may be the living room, bedroom, etc. This will make your dog feel included but still secure. If you plan to crate your dog at night, make sure the crate is in your bedroom so your dog can smell you and see you. This is especially important for small puppies.


Positive Reinforcement Training

Use your dog’s favorite toys and treats when crate training. Throw some treats in the crate and give your dog praise for going into the crate. Never use the crate as a punishment for having accidents, chewing carpet, etc. Continue giving your pomsky treats if they are staying quiet in their crate. If your dog is crying or holwing, wait for them to be quiet before letting them out of the crate. We don’t want to teach the dog that crying/howling gets them out of the crate – this will only encourage your dog to be loud while in the crate.


 Crate Only Treats

Find a treat that your pomsky is motivated by, and use this as a “crate only treat”. This means that this special treat is only given when your pomsky is in their crate. Your pomsky will begin to look forward to going into their crate to receive this highly motivating treat. Your dog might even go in their crate randomly to see if they will receive the special treat.

Begin Training with Shorter Time Increments

You can put your dog in the crate while you make dinner, do yard work, or other chores around the home to introduce them to the concept. In general, do not exceed 4 hours in the crate (whether you’re in the car or at work).



Your pomsky will feel safe and secure when they have positive associations with the crate. Make sure you choose the right crate size and type for your dog. Provide treats while your pomsky is quiet in their crate and even choose a special crate treat to help your dog associate a specific treat with the crate.

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