How to Create a Pomsky Dog Friendly Backyard

Pomsky dogs are full of energy and love to play outside, but how do you know if your yard dog-friendly? This post includes how to create a pomsky dog friendly yard including ways to keep your pomsky dog cool, keep your pomsky dog entertained, prevent fleas and ticks, and which plants are dog friendly.

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Pomsky Dog Friendly Landscaping Ideas

Have Shaded Areas

Keep your pomsky cool while playing outside by creating shaded areas in your yard. There are a variety of options to create shade including using trees, a patio umbrella, outdoor dog house, getting an outdoor canopy dog bed, or using a pergola or lattice wall. Some of these shade options might already be in your yard, so you can adjust them or play with your dog in areas that are already shaded (such as under trees).


Fenced in Yard

If you have the option of getting a fenced in yard, this will benefit both you and your pomsky dog. A fenced in yard allows your pomsky dog to run off leash without you needing to worry about them running too far. Make sure that your fence doesn’t have any gaps or openings, because pomskies can get through very small openings. Even with a fenced yard, we recommend you stay outside with your pomsky and supervise them while they play and run around.


Dog Pools and Sprinklers

Many pomskies love to play in water, especially when the temperatures rise in the summer. Fill up a dog swimming pool, then let your pomsky swim or jump in and out of the pool. Make sure you are using regular water from a hose to fill up the pool and not chlorinated water, as this can be harmful if your dog drinks it. You can also set up a sprinkler for your pomsky dog to run through. Lower pressure sprinklers such as the Circle Ring Sprinkler or Rotating Spray Sprinkler are the safest option for dogs to play in.


Create a Path

Create a path in your backyard for your pomsky dog to use to navigate different areas of the yard. If your dog goes to the same spot to go potty, you could use pavers or stones as a pathway for your pomsky dog to get to their designated potty area. This is especially helpful if your yard is looking worn down in areas that your dog frequently walks over. You can also use stepping stones to build a path through rough textures such as mulch in a garden. When choosing pavers or stones for your garden be sure to get pavers that are smooth, do not have sharp corners (a rounded shape is safer for dog paws) and are light in color so they stay cool when they are sitting out in the sun.


Keep the Grass Short and Clean

If your yard has grass, mow the lawn on a regular basis and remove debris frequently. It is important to keep your grass short to reduce the chance of fleas and ticks living in the grass, as these pests typically prefer longer grasses. Pick up sticks, acorns, and any garbage you see blow into your yard to prevent your dog from chewing on these items.


Sandbox for Digging

Dogs have an instinct for digging, and a backyard sandbox is the perfect place for your pomsky dog to use their natural instincts. If you choose to get a sandbox for your dog, we recommend buying a portable sandbox so you can dump it out and clean it easily. Fill the sandbox with playground sand from your local home and garden store. Hide your pomsky dog toys under the sand and let them dig to find them. Your dog might get dirty and need a bath after playing in the sandbox, but they will have a good time.  


Plants and Mulch

Flea Repellent Plants

There are some plants that naturally repel fleas, which is a great option for your garden. Some flea repellent plants that are non-toxic to dogs include:

  • Rosemary

  • Marigolds

  • Catnip

  • Chamomile

  • Citronella

  • Eucalyptus

  • Lavender

  • Mint

  • Sage


Avoid Toxic Plants

There are several types of plants that can are toxic to dogs. We recommend that you avoid having these highly toxic plants in your yard or fence these areas off so your dog does not get near them:

  • Begonia

  • Tomato Plant

  • Aloe Vera

  • Ivy

  • Daffodil

  • Babies Breath

  • Milkweed

  • Tulip

  • Chrysanthemum

  • Oleander

  • Gladiola

This is not a comprehensive list, but you can view the full list of toxic and non-toxic plants for dogs here.


Create a Raised Garden

If you want to plant fruits, vegetables, or herbs, plant them in a raised garden bed (preferably the height of a table) to keep them out of reach from your pomsky dog. You can always treat your pomsky dog to fresh fruits or vegetables from the garden after you wash them. Some foods you can give your dog include carrots, cucumbers, apples, berries, zucchini or green beans.



If you choose to put mulch in and around your gardens, you will want to make sure you are choosing the right kind of mulch. Avoid using cocoa mulch because it is toxic to dogs. Instead, use a dog-friendly option such as cedar mulch which has also been known to repel many pests including fleas.



Create a pomsky dog friendly backyard by adding areas for your dog to stay cool and space for them to run and play. You can add a pool or sandbox to make outside play time more exciting, but make sure you avoid planting flowers or using mulch in your garden that is toxic to dogs.

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