How Much Exercise Does a Pomsky Need?

Pomskies are active dogs that enjoy spending time with their owners. If you are planning on adopting a pomsky or already have a pomsky, you might be wondering how much exercise a pomsky needs. This post covers how much exercise a pomsky needs each day, signs your dog needs more exercise and ways to make walks more engaging for your dog.

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Pomsky Exercise Benefits

Pomskies that receive daily exercise are happier and healthier. They are able to maintain a healthy weight and keep their muscles strong. Daily exercise also boosts your dog’s mood, especially when they are playing with their owner or exploring new and exciting places.


Pomsky Daily Exercise Recommendations

Pomskies should receive at least 45 minutes of exercise each day, but 60-75 minutes is even more beneficial. It is best to distribute your dog’s exercise time throughout the day, such as taking a walk in the morning, in the middle of the day, and in the evening. Daily walks are great and necessary for dogs, but there are other more exciting ways your pomsky can receive exercise.


Outdoor Exercise for Pomsky Dogs

  • Make walks exciting: Pomskies should have at least 3 walks each day but you can add excitement to daily walks by changing the route you take or changing speed and direction. Pomskies love to run, and it can be exciting to alternate between walking and running with your dog. Try walking over different textures and heights such as jumping onto a park bench, walking on the beach, going on the playground, or walking across a baseball field.

  • Go on a hike: Your pomsky dog will love exploring the park or trail with you and taking in all of the new sights and smells. Let them sniff around to discover who has walked the trail before you.

  • Play fetch: Use a variety of items to play fetch such as a frisbee, stick or ball.

  • Water activities: Take your dog to the beach, a dog friendly pool, or splash pad. These are a great way for your pomsky dog to socialize with other people and dogs on a hot day. Make sure your dog has a life jacket if they are swimming in deep water. You can also set up a sprinkler or dog pool in your back yard for your pomsky to play in.

  • Go shopping: Bring your pomsky with you to the pet store, home improvement store, farmer’s market or other local dog friendly stores. Your dog will love the opportunity to be included in your shopping experience, especially at the pet store, and this experience will expose them to new people, sights, sounds, and smells.


Indoor Exercise for Pomsky Dogs

  • Play fetch and tug: Throw your pomsky’s favorite toy and see how many times they can bring it back to you. You can also have your pomsky tug on the toy and tug back to make play time more engaging for your dog.

  • Run up and down the stairs: You can either throw a treat down the stairs for your pomsky to get, play fetch by throwing a toy to the bottom of the stairs, or just have your pomsky chase you up and down the stairs.

  • Play “pomsky in the middle”: Toss one of your pomsky’s favorite toys between two people so your pomsky has to run back and forth or jump up to try and retrieve the toy. Let your pomsky get the toy with some throws so they stay excited and interested in the game.

  • Build an agility course: Make an obstacle course with items for your pomsky to jump over, duck under and go through to exercise their mind and body. Use boxes, pillows, couch cushions, and other items you have around your house to create an exciting course for your dog. Make sure most of the items have soft edges in case your dog misses their target.

  • Mental stimulation: Puzzle toys, snuffle mats, lick mats, and treat filled toys provide mental stimulation for dogs. Although these toys don’t require your pomsky to run and jump, they still require your dog to focus and work on the toy, which releases their pent up energy. Puzzle toys have plastic pieces dogs spin and slide to expose hidden treats. Snuffle mats allow your pomsky to dig and sniff their way to treats, while lick mats extend feeding time for spreadable treats such as peanut butter or yogurt.


Signs Your Dog Needs More (or Less) Exercise

Your pomsky likely needs more exercise if they engage in destructive behaviors such as chewing or digging. This is a sign that they are bored, and don’t have a productive way to release their energy. Another sign that your dog needs more exercise is if they follow you around the house, or cry and howl near their toys or the door to go outside.

Pomskies rarely have too much exercise, but there are some instances when your dog might not want to go on a walk or play. Your dog may require less walks or play time if they are in a less familiar environment such as at a friend or family member’s house because they will use energy sniffing and exploring the new environments. Your dog will also not require as many walks if they have played other games such as solving a puzzle toy, using a lick mat, or using a snuffle mat.



Provide your pomsky daily exercise to keep their muscles strong, prevent boredom and boost their mood. There are a variety of outdoor exercise options for pomskies including hiking, swimming or playing fetch. Pomskies can also exercise indoors by running up and down the stairs, playing fetch and tug, or solving puzzle toys. If your pomsky needs more exercise, they will likely engage in attention seeking behaviors such as digging or whining.

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