Hiking with a Pomsky Dog: Tips and Supplies You Need

Does your pomsky dog enjoy going on daily walks with you? Take it to the next level by going hiking with your pomsky dog. Learn how to hike with your pomsky dog including where to go hiking, tips for hiking with your dog, and essential supplies you must bring when hiking with your dog.

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Is Your Dog Ready to Hike?

Make sure your dog can walk long distances and on uneven terrain. Most pomsky dog owners take their dog on daily walks or play fetch in the yard, but not all dogs are ready to walk on uneven surfaces or through trees and rocks. Before taking a long hike, you will want to ensure that your dog has enough stamina to walk longer distances and that their joints do not get sore or stiff. If you are unsure of whether your dog is ready for a hike, you can always reach out to your veterinarian and they will provide recommendations based on your dog’s health and age.  


Where to Go Hiking with Your Dog

There are many factors you will want to consider when deciding where to go hiking with your pomsky dog.

  • Dog Friendly Trails: Before heading to the park or trail, check the park or trail website to confirm that it is dog friendly.

  • Trail Surface: Hiking trails may be composed of different materials including rock, sand and gravel, ice or snow, wood chips, packed down grass or dirt. The trail surface might impact what type of shoes you wear and if you want your dog to wear booties.  

  • Length of Hike: Choose a hiking trail that is a distance both you and your dog can handle. For example, if you typically go on a daily 2-mile walk, you can plan to do a 2–4-mile hike or longer if you are feeling ambitious. Remember that some hikes will be 4 miles long one way, which would require you to walk 4 miles back as well. Ensure both you and your dog are prepared and conditioned for the length of the hiking trail.

  • Shady Areas: Find out if there are shaded parts of the trail where you and your dog can cool off or take a break if needed.

  • Elevation Changes: A trail that has significant changes in elevation will be more difficult than a flat hiking trail. Consider the changes in elevation and if the trail consists of any complex climbing, to determine if it is a good fit for you and your dog.

  • Water: If you plan to hike near a river, pond, lake or the ocean there may be portions of the trail that are wet and muddy, so you will want to prepare accordingly. Areas near bodies of water might also be humid and have more mosquitos or gnats.


Tips for Hiking with a Pomsky

Before Your Hike

Check the weather before you plan your hike to make sure there isn’t rain in the forecast and to ensure the temperature will be comfortable for you and your dog. Confirm that your dog is up to date on their flea and tick prevention medications before planning your hike.  

During the Hike

Use a 6 foot leash and harness while hiking with your pomsky dog. This will keep your dog close to you so they don’t venture off into the woods or approach other people walking on the trail. Allow your dog to lead the way and sniff the trail as they go. If there is a time when your dog is walking behind you and you feel like you need to pull them along, that is the time to stop and check in with your dog. Pause in a shaded area and offer your dog water or food. Check your dog’s paws to make sure they aren’t becoming sore from walking on a rough surface and to confirm your dog didn’t step on something sharp (such as a woodchip, broken glass, thorn, etc.).

During the hike make sure your dog stays close to you and doesn’t get too close to the woods or weeds so they are less likely to get poison ivy or ticks. Be present and aware of your surroundings to avoid unwanted encounters with wild animals and to avoid tripping over uneven parts of the trail.

After the Hike

Check your dog and yourself for ticks. You may want to give your dog a bath, depending on how dirty they are or how close they were to the woods and water.


Supplies for Hiking with Your Dog

If you plan to go on a longer hike with your dog, you will want to be prepared with the right supplies packed into a small backpack or fanny pack.  

Essential Hiking Supplies for Your Dog:


Essential Hiking Supplies for You:

  • Hiking Shoes

  • Water Bottle

  • Snacks (Granola Bars or Trail Mix are great options)

  • Hat and Sunglasses

  • Basic First Aid Items/Kit

  • Sunscreen and Bug Spray


Optional Supplies:


Hiking with your dog is a great way to exercise and explore the outdoors together. Make sure you bring the essential hiking supplies for you and your dog. Check the weather forecast, find the right hiking trail and keep your dog close to you while exploring a new area together.  

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